BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into an agreement, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Heapy Engineering, for the Professional Engineering Services - Task Order Basis project.
This agreement is for small and emergency projects to be completed on a task order basis. The intent of the contract is to provide the Office of Construction Management with continual contractual access to resources that are necessary to perform engineering services as well as provide technical expertise for the Department to implement projects for various City of Columbus departments.
BID INFORMATION: Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) were received on August 23, 2022 from: from Heapy Engineering, Schooley Caldwell, Geotechnical Consultants, Dynotec, and Stone Environmental.
An evaluation committee reviewed the proposals and scored them on the basis of each firm’s qualifications. The committee recommended an agreement be awarded to Heapy Engineering in the amount of $500,000.00.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE INFO: CC-005890, expires 9/21/24, Majority
FUTURE RENEWALS: The term of the agreement is one year with the option of three (3) annual renewals with the approval of City Council.
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: It is requested that this Ordinance be handled in an emergency manner in order for the vendor to provide services for the City Hall Electrical Upgrade Project currently in process.
FISCAL IMPACT: A transfer within the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund will be necessary as well as an amendment to the 2022 Capital Improvements Budget.
To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into an agreement with Heapy Engineering for the Office of Construction Management’s Professional Engineering Services - Task Order Basis project; to authorize a transfer and expenditure up to $500,000.00 within the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund; to amend the 20...
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