This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a service contract, in accordance with the sole source provisions of Columbus City Code, with KNS Services, Inc. for the PAWP Facility Misc. Improvements - Camera Upgrades project, CIP #690291-100000, in an amount of up to $169,000.00.
This contract will replace cameras at the Parsons Avenue Water Plant (PAWP). Work will include: providing goods and services to remove existing cameras and cabling; installation of new cameras, cabling, and related appurtenances; and commissioning services.
The PAWP is located in planning area “64”.
1.1 Contract Amount
The contract amount is $169,000.00, which includes a contingency amount of $16,000.00 (approximately 10% of the quoted amount) to fund needed and approved changes in the work. No contract modifications are anticipated at this time; however, construction exigency might later compel modification of this contract, if unforeseen difficulties are encountered.
Cost summary:
Original Contract $169,000.00
Future Anticipated Needs $ 0.00
CONTRACT TOTAL $169,000.00
1.2 Timeline
It is anticipated the work will begin in September 2024 and be completed by December 31, 2024. The contract term will be from the date listed for the commencement of the work on the Notice To Proceed to the time the City accepts the work as completed.
The PAWP provides potable water to a large portion of the City’s service areas and the camera system is an important tool for maintaining awareness of the plant environment and treatment process. Existing camera equipment at the PAWP is past its useful life, is experiencing issues, and is no longer reliable, and needs to be replaced. All work will be conducted within secure areas of the water plant that is not accessible to the public, so no public mee...
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