Background: During the close out of the Fire Division's Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Grant, a discrepancy was discovered within the remaining cash and appropriation This legislation authorizes the City Auditor to process corrections to appropriations and expenses within the Division of Fire's General Government Grant Fund grant project G341901, and COAAA's Grant Fund 2286 grant project G341901.
Emergency action is requested so that the transfer and expenditure correction can be completed to close out the grant.
Fiscal Impact: This legislation authorizes the City Auditor correction to appropriations and expenses within the Division of Fire's General Government Grant Fund grant project G341901, and COAAA's Grant Fund 2286 grant project G341901 to allow for the close out of the grant. There is no fiscal impact associated with this ordinance.
To authorize the City Auditor to process corrections to appropriations and expenses within the Division of Fire's General Government Grant Fund grant project G341901, and COAAA's Grant Fund 2286 grant project G341901; and to declare an emergency.($0.00).
Whereas, during the close out of the Fire Division's Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Grant, a discrepancy was discovered within the remaining cash, appropriation and expenditures; and
Whereas, it is necessary to authorize the City Auditor to process corrections to appropriations and expenditures within the Division of Fire's General Government Grant Fund grant project G341901, and COAAA's Grant Fund 2286 grant project G341901; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Public Safety in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the corrections to appropriations and expenditures so the grant close out can be finalized, all for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:
SECTION 1. That the City ...
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