This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an intergovernmental working agreement with the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District (FSWCD) to provide support and coordination for the following programs and projects: Lawncare Practices Outreach and Involvement Program; Community Backyards; Contractor Outreach Program; Stormwater and Conservation Education in schools within the City of Columbus; 2019 Outreach to Developers, Contractors and Stormwater Professionals; Columbus Watershed Assistance; Franklin County Stream Resource Geodatabase; Develop Urban Watershed Delineations. In the past these programs and projects were managed under separate agreements but for the benefit of the City of Columbus, Department of Public Utilities in managing Stormwater and improving source water quality they are now combined under one agreement.
These programs help meet requirements of the City's MS4 permit to provide education and opportunities for public participation in protecting the quality of water in our streams and rivers. FSWCD has long been recognized as a leader in natural resource conservation and residents respond well to the programs' messages. Participation has grown each year since the inception of the rain barrel cost share program in 2010. That program has expanded into the Community Backyards Program and the Lawncare Practices program was added in 2015 to further meet the requirements of our permit. Teachers in Columbus City Schools depend on and trust FSWCD staff to deliver stormwater education to bring to life what their students are learning in the classroom about protection of natural resources.
This term of this contract will be from date of execution by the City of Columbus through and including March 31, 2020.
SUPPLIER: Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District (31-0847446), Non-Profit Organization
FISCAL IMPACT: $295,640.00 is needed for this agreement and is budgeted and available as follo...
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