File #: 0077-2025    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/6/2025 In control: Health, Human Services, & Equity Committee
On agenda: 2/10/2025 Final action: 2/13/2025
Title: To authorize the Board of Health to enter into a contract with OSS Ohio Holdings, LLC. for security officer services; to authorize a total expenditure of $636,972.00 from the Health Special Revenue Fund and the Health Department Grants Fund for said contract; and to declare an emergency. ($636,972.00)
Attachments: 1. Ord. 0077-2025 D365 Attachment

BACKGROUND: Columbus Public Health (CPH) has a need to contract for security officer services for their facilities. The purpose of this legislation is to authorize the Board of Health to enter into a $636,972.00 contract with OSS Ohio Holdings, LLC., for security services for the period March 1, 2025 to February 28, 2026. This is the first year of a five year contract.

A Request for Proposal (RFP), # RFQ028946 "Security Officer Services for Columbus Public Health and WIC," was publicly posted to the City of Columbus Vendor Services website from October 15, 2024 until November 22, 2024. All vendors registered with the City of Columbus under commodity code 99046 (Guard and Security Services) were notified of the RFP. A total of four vendors submitted responses to the RFP. In conjunction with the professional consulting firm of Security Risk Management Consultants, the CPH evaluation committee unanimously recommended awarding the contract to OSS Ohio Holdings, LLC, as the lowest, responsive, responsible and best bidder under the provisions of City Code, Chapter 329.

The contract compliance number for OSS Ohio Holdings, LLC., is CC044219, valid through 1/3/2027. This ordinance is submitted as an emergency in order to avoid a break in the delivery of these needed services.

FISCAL IMPACT: This Ordinance is contingent on the passage of the annual appropriation ordinance for the Health Special Revenue Fund, Ord. No. 3036-2024, which will partially provide funding for this contract.


To authorize the Board of Health to enter into a contract with OSS Ohio Holdings, LLC. for security officer services; to authorize a total expenditure of $636,972.00 from the Health Special Revenue Fund and the Health Department Grants Fund for said contract; and to declare an emergency. ($636,972.00)


WHEREAS, the Board of Health has a need for security officer services for the Health Department facility located at 240 Parsons Avenue and off-site W...

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