This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Service to modify a professional services contract with Korda/Nemeth Engineering to add additional funds for design of the Intersection Improvements - Main Street at McNaughten Road.
Ordinance 1393-2014 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with Korda/Nemeth Engineering for the Intersection Improvements - Main Street at McNaughten Road project. The project scope is to design improvements to the intersection of East Main Street at McNaughton Road and to the East Main Street corridor from McNaughton Road to Manor Drive to reduce congestion at the intersection of Main and McNaughton, improve safety, and address deficiencies in the pedestrian system. The amount originally legislated was the budgeted amount of $250,000.00 for the project, with a modification planned to add funds to complete the design work.
Modification #1 to the contract was an unplanned modification of $30,000.00 authorized by Ordinance 1836-2018 to support the completion of stormwater analysis and design and development of Best Management Practices in order to meet the requirements of the updated City of Columbus Stormwater Drainage Manual.
This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to modify the contract in the amount of up to $75,962.26. This is a planned modification to authorize the completion of the contract scope and finish design of the project.
The original contract amount: $250,000.00 (EL016460, Ord. 1393-2014)
The total of Modification No. 1: $30,000.00 (ACPO003285, Ord. 1836-2018)
The total of Modification No. 2: $75,962.26 (This ordinance)
The contract amount including all modifications: $355,962.26
Searches in the System for Award Management (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Korda/Nemeth Engineerin...
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