Council Variance Application: CV24-101
APPLICANT: Bonnie Smelser; c/o Brenda Parker, Agent; 405 North Front Street; Columbus, OH 43215
PROPOSED USE: Two single-unit dwellings on one lot.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site consists of a single-unit dwelling with a detached garage in the R-3, Residential District. The requested Council variance will allow a second dwelling-unit above an existing detached garage (carriage house). A Council variance is required because the R-3 district only allows one single-unit dwelling per lot. Variances to lot area, fronting, rear yard, and to reduce the number of required parking spaces from four to two are also included in this request. The site is located within the planning boundaries of the Clintonville Neighborhood Plan (2009), which recommends “Single Family” land uses at this location. The Plan states that garages should be located behind the house if served by an alley, and supports accessory housing units to provide additional housing options. The Plan also states that parking reductions may be appropriate for higher density and mixed use projects along High Street or other areas served by transit. The proposal is consistent with these recommendations.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3332.035, R-3 residential district; 3312.49, Required parking; 3332.13, R-3 area district requirements; 3332.19, Fronting; and 3332.27, Rear yard, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 23 ARDEN RD. (43214), to allow two single-unit dwellings on one lot with reduced development standards in the R-3, Residential District (Council Variance #CV24-101).
WHEREAS, by application #CV24-101, the owner of the property at 23 ARDEN RD. (43214), is requesting a Variance to allow two single-unit dwellings on one lot with reduced development standards in the R-3, Residential District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3332....
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