In an effort to continue providing City of Columbus employees with healthy lifestyle, disease prevention and disease management programming that aligns with the Department of Human Resources Healthy Columbus Program, the City contracts with a vendor to provide tobacco cessation services to City employees and eligible adult dependents. To maintain tobacco cessation services as a part of the Healthy Columbus program, additional funding for tobacco cessation services is necessary. The Human Resources Department requests to modify and extend the existing contract with Optum Care Solutions Inc. and to provide for funding February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020, for the City’s tobacco cessation services as a part of the Healthy Columbus program.
Cost estimates were based on 2017-18 trust fund expenditures using a two year average of actual city utilization, and expected changes due to employee population. The contract is for a three-year period, subject to annual appropriation; this ordinance represents the third year.
Emergency action is requested to ensure tobacco cessation services for city employees and eligible adult dependents commence as soon as contractually possible, thereby maintaining continuity of service.
Contract compliance number is 41-1591944
FISCAL IMPACT: To modify and extend the contract with Optum Care Solutions Inc. to establish the maximum obligation liability, and to authorize the expenditure of $36,000 for tobacco cessation services from February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020. Funding is available in the 2019 budget for this contract. This ordinance is contingent on the passage of the 2019 insurance appropriation ordinance 0013-2019.
To authorize the Human Resources Director to modify and extend the contract with Optum Care Solutions Inc. to provide all employees and eligible adult dependents tobacco cessation services from February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020; to authorize the expenditure of $36,000.00 from...
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