BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned modification to the 2020 - 2022 Construction Administration and Construction Inspection (CA/CI) Services agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
Funding for this modification will be for the following projects:
• Large Diameter Valve Replacements Part 2, CIP No. 690589-100001; Planning Area = 99 - Citywide; $311,181.95
• East Franklinton Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, & Water Improvements Phase 3; CIP No’s 650560-100002 & 690236-100116; Planning Area = 54 - Franklinton; DOSD = $647,148.33, Water = $348,464.48
• Blacklick Air Quality Control Facilities, CIP No. 650034-100008; Planning Area = 58 - Far East; $553,476.94
Amount of additional funds to be expended: $1,860,271.70
Original Agreement Amount: $ 198,538.62 PO221581/PO221595
Modification 1: $ 395,138.19 PO222666/PO222668/PO222669
Modification 2: $ 248,287.56 PO225314
Modification 3: $ 546,494.33 PO236842
Modification 4: $ 484,214.84 PO249724/PO249728/PO249729
Modification 5: $ 150,000.00 PO266885
Modification 6 (current): $1,860,271.70
Total Original + all Mods: $3,882,945.24
Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This is a three-year agreement for fiscal years 2020 - 2022 and modifications were anticipated and explained in the original legislation under Ordinance No. 0130-2020.
Reason other procurement processes are not used:
This is a multiyear contract that will be modified as required to provide construction administration/inspection services for construction projects that bid during the three year (2020-2022) timeframe.
How cost of modification was determined:
The cost of Modification No. 6 was determined by negotiations between Stantec Consulting Services Inc. and the Divisions of Water and Sewers & Drains.
The Large Diamete...
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