BACKGROUND: Columbus Public Health has been awarded a grant from the Ohio Department of Health. This ordinance is needed to accept and appropriate $350,000.00 in grant monies to fund the STI Opportunities to End the HIV Epidemic grant program, for the period August 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024. The total amount funded for this period is $350,000.00.
The STI Opportunities to End the HIV Epidemic grant program seeks to maximize STI screening and treatment opportunities to achieve the Ending the HIV Epidemic goals. Columbus Public Health seeks to achieve this objective by enhancing HIV and STI screening services that are available in community settings. Ending the HIV Epidemic initiatives are also being utilized by community engagement, HIV prevention education, and outreach.
Emergency action is requested to allow the financial transaction to be posted in the City's accounting system as soon as possible. Up to date financial posting promotes accurate accounting and financial management to meet deliverables required by grantor and reduces the risk of being in forfeiture of grant funds.
FISCAL IMPACT: STI Opportunities to End the HIV Epidemic Grant Program is entirely funded by the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and does not generate revenue or require a City match. ($350,000.00)
To authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept grant funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $350,000.00 and any additional funds for STI Opportunities to End the HIV Epidemic grant program; to authorize the appropriation of $350,000.00 and any additional funds from the unappropriated balance of the Health Department Grants Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer appropriations between object classes for the STI Opportunities to End the HIV Epidemic grant program; to authorize the expenditure of said grant funds; and to declare an emergency. ($350,000.00)
WHEREAS, $350,000.00 in gran...
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