1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering agreement with Arcadis US, Inc. for the Second Barrel Interconnector Augmentation Project, CIP 650860-116300. The work for this project consist of designing and constructing approximately 2,300 feet of 102’’ sanitary sewer east of the Scioto River and west of Interconnector Junction Chamber (IJC). This project will mitigate Designed Sewer Relief (DSR) 95 activation and Water in Basement (WIB) incidents in West Franklinton area, caused by flow back-up from the Interconnecting Sanitary Trunk Sewer and Scioto Main Trunk Sewer, during wet weather conditions in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement on file in the Office of the Division of Sewerage and Drainage.
Planning Area: 54
2. PROCUREMENT: The Department of Public Utilities issued a Request for Proposals (RFP’s) on April 5, 2019 pursuant to the overall requirements of City Code Section 329 in order to solicit proposals for the Second Barrel Interconnector Augmentation Project. Four (4) proposals were received and reviewed, and it was determined that the proposal submitted by Arcadis, U.S., Inc. would best meet the needs of the Department of Public Utilities.
3. PROJECT TIMELINE: Detailed design is expected to be June 2020.
4. EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency designation is not requested at this time
5. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE NO: 57-0373224 | Exp. 03/19/2021| Vendor # 009409
6. ECONOMIC / ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project will mitigate DSR95 activation and Water in Basement (WIB) incidents in West Franklinton area.
7. FISCAL IMPACT: This legislation authorizes the transfer within and the expenditure of up to $461,261.07 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund 6109 and amends the 2019 Capital Improvements Budget.
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering agreement with Arcadis US...
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