BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities (DPU) to enter into a contract modification No. 1 with ARCOS LLC, for the implementation and support of an Overtime (OT) Call-out System, in the amount of $245,898.00.
DPU is in the process of implementing the ARCOS OT Call-out to standardize and automate the OT callout process. This system will be used Department wide by all of DPU's Divisions, including Water, Sewerage & Drainage and Power. DPU has approximately 850 overtime-eligible employees across all Divisions. The project is expected to go-live in 2024 and DPU will need to renew the SaaS (cloud) subscription annually.
PROCUREMENT: Request for proposals (RFQ022200) were formally advertised on the Vendor Services and Bonfire websites in accordance with the procedures set forth in Columbus City Codes, Chapter 329 from June 27, 2022 to July 29, 2022. The city received three (3) responses. The proposals were deemed responsive and were fully evaluated when the Evaluation Committee met on August 24, 2022. Of the three (3) responses, the committee selected these firms for additional interviews to further discuss their project proposals. These interviews were conducted on October 4-12, 2022. The Evaluation Committee met again on November 18, 2022 submitted final scores and recommended that the Overtime Call-Out System project be awarded to ARCOS, LLC. The committee felt that ARCOS LLC submitted the strongest proposal overall for the following reasons: 1.) Solution offered various methods for contacting employees 2.) Well developed solutions for overtime equalization needs. The Director concurred.
The term of this contract shall be for a period of five (5) years from date of execution to June 1, 2028. For each year of the five (5) year contract, funds for services shall be reviewed, and expenditures shall be approved by ordinance of City Council, and appropriation and certification of funds by the City Auditor, with the optio...
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