Rezoning Application Z21-077
APPLICANT: 1199 Franklin Investments, LLC, et al; c/o Dave Perry, Agent; 411 East Town Street, 1st Floor; Columbus, OH 43201; and Donald Plank, Atty.; 411 East Town Street, 2nd Floor; Columbus, OH 43215.
PROPOSED USE: Commercial development.
DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Approval (5-0) on February 10, 2022.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The 0.90± acre site consists of five parcels zoned in the CPD, Commercial Planned Development District and R-3, Residential District. The requested CPD, Commercial Planned Development District is comprised of three subareas: Subarea A is developed with the vacant and historic Avery Pontiac Building listed on the Columbus Register of Historic Properties; Subarea B is one undeveloped parcel; and Subarea C is part of three undeveloped parcels. The existing CPD district was approved as part of Ordinance #2124-2020 (Z20-019) passed October 5, 2020, and permits a mix of commercial uses with 52 parking spaces provided. This request will permit 11,730 square feet of eating and drinking establishment uses, 1,185 square feet of accessory outdoor dining, 2,155 square feet of retail use, and 13,010 square feet of office use in Subarea A, while Subareas B and C will be redeveloped into parking lots containing 34 spaces each, solely for the purpose of supporting those uses within Subarea A. The CPD text establishes appropriate use restrictions and supplemental development standards for each subarea, includes a commitment to develop the site in accordance with the submitted site plan, and contains code modifications that reflect the existing conditions on Subarea A and the proposed parking lots in Subarea B and C. Additionally, a parking reduction from 203 required to zero provided spaces in Subarea A, with a total of 68 parking spaces being provided within Subarea...
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