1. BACKGROUND: During review of CIP Project No. 531025-910002 Mt Vernon Phase 1, it was discovered that various parcels of land are platted for public right-of-way, however, no ordinance was specifically passed to accept, dedicate and name them as public right-of-way. Disposal parcels six through eleven of the Mt. Vernon Plaza Urban Renewal Plat were to be dropped to become part of Mt Vernon Avenue public right-of-way according to the Mt Vernon Urban Renewal Plan.
Ohio Revised Code Chapter 723.03 requires that property proposed for use as a public street or alley must be accepted and dedicated as public right-of-way by an ordinance specifically passed for such purpose. This ordinance provides for the City to accept and dedicate the disposal parcels as public right-of-way, and to name the disposal parcels as public roadways to comply with Ohio Revised Code Chapter 723.03. Passage of this ordinance also allows them to become exempt from property taxes.
2. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no expenditure associated with this Ordinance.
To accept and dedicate disposal parcels six through eleven of the Mt. Vernon Plaza Urban Renewal Plat as public right-of-way; and to name said disposal parcels as Mt. Vernon Avenue. ($0.00)
WHEREAS, Ohio Revised Code Chapter 723.03 requires property to be used as a public street or alley be accepted and dedicated as public right-of-way by an ordinance specially passed for such purpose; and
WHEREAS, by virtue of a plat recorded in the Franklin County, Ohio, Recorder’s Office, February 4, 1976 as Book 50, Page 70-71, MT VERNON PLAZA URBAN RENEWAL PLAT, platted disposal parcels six through eleven are to be used as public right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, by virtue of a miscellaneous record in the Franklin County, Ohio, Recorder’s Office, April 10th, 1973, recorded as Book 159, Page 299-317, MT VERNON PLAZA URBAN RENEWAL PLAN, platted disposal parcels six through eleven are to be used as public right-of-way; and
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