Background: Airport Golf Course was closed from September 2011 until reopening in May 2013 for the Port Columbus runway project. Most of Airport’s 18 holes were newly designed as a result of this project and many of the greens and tees increased in size with many contours. There has been an extensive ongoing “grow-in” of the entire course which has produced new turf and many turf problems. Airport’s customers, like all golfers, expect a manicured course that equates with the greens fees paid.
Airport needs a mower that can maneuver over the grade changes without affecting the precision or quality of the cut. This Toro Greensmaster TriFlex Hybrid 3320 Mower has a proven flex suspension allowing the cutting units to float freely over contours and undulations of the greens resulting in a superior quality of cut and aftercut appearance which is the trademark of Toro’s TriFlex. It also has a higher horsepower of 21 (compared to a competitor’s 13.3) which adds to this quality flex suspension’s movement. The TriFlex offers an improved serviceability in that the cutting units can be quickly changed - tool-free - and serviced fast and easy because of a lift-gate footrest that provides access to the center unit and backlapping capability is standard. This will help in staff time, productivity, and safety. The all-electric reel drive eliminates hydraulic leak points and has a combination of features that save energy, enhance productivity, and enhance turf health (preventing turf damage from hydraulic leaks/spills). This TriFlex Mower is the first product to earn the EnergySmart label from Toro.
Airport currently has a TriFlex in use from a 2013 purchase. It has been extremely successful in maneuvering their terrain and new turf. To have another TriFlex mower will allow for the entire course to have the same playing conditions because of the precision cut as well as save time and increase productivity when events, weather conditions and other mai...
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