This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Service to modify a professional services contract with WSP USA Inc. (formerly known as Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.) to add additional funds for design of the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hamilton Road from SR 161 to Morse Road - Phase A project.
Ordinance 1824-2014 authorized the Director of Public Service to enter into a professional services contract with WSP USA for the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hamilton Road from SR 161 to Morse Road - Phase A project. This project includes completion of the Project Development Process (PDP) for the first of multiple phases of improvements to the N. Hamilton Road corridor from Morse Road to SR-161, and intersecting arterial roadways, geared toward increasing vehicular capacity, extending bikeway facilities, and completing gaps in the pedestrian system.
Ordinance 2611-2015 authorized the Director of Public Service to execute a planned contract modifation in the amount of $785,723.44. This amount was the difference between the original design fee for the project and the amount the department was able to originally fund.
This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to modify the contract in the amount of $150,000.00. This is an unplanned modification that is necessary to complete final plans and cover the cost of additional work requested during the Stage 3 review of the project. This modification will including changes to lighting, traffic surveillance cameras, driveways, and waterworks. It was deemed to be more cost efficient to modify the existing contract than to bid this part of the work.
The original contract amount: $1,000,000.00 (EL016820, Ord. 1824-2014)
The total of Modification No. 1: $785,723.44 (EL017621, Ord. 2611-2015)
The total of Modification No. 2: $150,000.00 (This Ordinance)
The contract amount including all modification...
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