1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract with the Groundworks OBA, LLC DBA Ohio Basement Authority for the Volunteer Sump Pump Program - Blueprint Hilltop 1, Phase 2 Project, CIP 650876-153004. The work for this project consists of installing sump pumps and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract in accordance with the technical specifications as set forth in this Invitation for Bid (IFB).
Planning Area - 53 Greater Hilltop
2. PROCUREMENT: The Department of Public Utilities advertised for bids pursuant to the requirements of city code section 329 for the Blueprint Hilltop 1, Phase 1 Project: Volunteer Sump Pump Project and received three bids. The bids were opened on December 18, 2019 and evaluated using the Bid Tab and Quality Factor Form (QFF) process. Three (3) bids were received and Groundworks OBA LLC bid was the lowest, best, responsive and responsible bid.
Name CC No. Exp. Date Vendor # City/State Status
Groundworks OBA 30-1147944 7/26/2021 030312 Columbus, OH MAJ
J&D Home Impvs. 31-1225499 11/25/2021 028672 Reynoldsburg, OHMAJ
MidState Basemt. 84-2787249 10/4/2021 030954 Columbus, OH MAJ
3. PROJECT TIMELINE: Contract work shall be substantially completed in a manner acceptable to the City within 365 days from the date that a Notice To Proceed (NTP) is issued by the City.
4. EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: An emergency designation is not requested at this time.
5. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE NUMBER: 30-1147944 | MAJ | Exp. 07/26/2021 | Vendor # 030312
7. FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of up to $319,935.05 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund, which includes $2,000.00 for Prevailing Wage Administration fees to the Department of Public Service, and amends the 2019 Capital Improvements Budget to create sufficient budget a...
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