This ordinance authorizes the City Clerk to enter into a grant agreement with The Center for Healthy Families, Inc. a non profit corporate entity, in support of the organization’s 2023 Collective Project for Black Girls & Young Women.
The Center for Healthy Families engages parenting teens and their children in opportunities to acquire self-sufficiency capabilities of health and well-being, positive networks, education and employment through a coordinated network of the most effective community services.
The 2023 Collective Project for Black Girls & Young Women will enroll up to 25 Black girls and young women (BG/YW), ages 11-24, from across Columbus, reflecting 20+ zip codes and diversity (e.g., socioeconomic LGBTQIA+, immigrants, refugees, physical/cognitive disabling conditions).
The 2023 Collective Project for Black Girls & Young Women will empower BG/YW to advocate for themselves, their peers, and their community. Outcomes will include increased self-awareness, skills, and aspirations. The program will provide safe, healthy experiences. Deliverables include:
1. Empowerment, social justice, and leadership workshops for engaging BG/YW in skill-/knowledge-building
2. Boot Camps on Financial, Social, and Human Capital for BG/YW life skills aligned with mental health, well-being, financial literacy, and workforce readiness
3. Philanthropy and grant-making training to use new skills and award nonprofits small grants and train on DEI
4. Advocating/raising awareness for issues of concern like child abuse prevention
To ensure a youth-led/centered project, a monthly Youth Advisory Council will plan “for girls, by girls” events, including events for BG/YW such as Paint Your Mind Self-Care Celebration and Back-to-School Pop-Up Shop.
Emergency action is necessary to provide operating funds to pay for operating expenses covering staff, training materials and programming expenses incurred since August 1, 2023.
Fiscal Impact: Funding is available within th...
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