1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify (Mod #12) an existing Construction Administration and Construction Inspection (CA/CI) services agreement with Prime AE Group, Inc. for the 2017 General Construction Contract Project. The services for this contract include oversight of the project during construction to ensure that work performed by the construction contractor conforms to project plans and specifications. Prime AE Group, Inc. will perform the CA/CI services for the Division of Sanitary Sewers and Drains on this project. PRIME AE Group, Inc. has been performing the construction administration and inspection services for CIP 650491-100005. This modification is required due to the contractor failing to meet the required contract durations and extending the services timeline required.
Planning Area for this modification: 64 - Far South
Modification information: CA/CI project 2017 General Construction Contract Project
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended:_______$ 48,000.08
Original Contract $ 818,854.35
Modification 1 $ 680,589.29
Modification 2 $ 98,106.23
Modification 3 $ 385,938.01
Modification 4 $ 862,977.80
Modification 5 $ 104,336.39
Modification 6 $ 263,382.27
Modification 7&8 ...
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