Background: This legislation authorizes the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a Fifth Amendment to Lease for Vending Machine Services by and between the City and AVI Food Systems, Inc., to extend the term of the lease for vending machines and Market-C stores sales and service and make any necessary changes to the lease related to the extension. AVI has been providing this service to the City since 2008. The lease is to expire on September 30, 2023. The extension shall be for the period October 1, 2023 through December 11, 2023. The extension is necessary to allow the Real Estate Management Office to complete the bid process and award a new contract for city-wide provision of vending services including micro-markets, and to declare an emergency.
Fiscal Impact: No funds are required. The City will continue to receive commissions on all sales during the extended term. All compensation will be deposited in the General Fund.
Emergency Action is requested to allow for the vending services throughout City facilities to continue uninterrupted.
To authorize the Director of Finance and Management to execute a Fifth Amendment to Lease for Vending Machine Services by and between the City and AVI Food Systems, Inc. for continued service of the City’s vending machines and Market-C stores; and to declare an emergency.
WHEREAS, since 2008 AVI Food Systems, Inc. has been the City’s vendor for vending machine and Market-C store sales and service throughout City facilities; and
WHEREAS, the existing Lease for Vending Machine Services will expire on September 30, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Finance and Management and AVI Food Systems, Inc. have mutually agreed to extend the term for such services until December 11, 2023; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operation of the Department of Finance and Management to authorize the Director to enter into a Fifth Amendment to Lease for Vending Machine Serv...
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