Council Variance Application: CV24-087
APPLICANT: Adnad Asif c/o Douglas Graff, Atty.; 604 Rich Street; Columbus, OH 43215
PROPOSED USE: Food and beverage retail.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site consists of two parcels developed with a commercial building and a parking lot in the R-4, Residential District. The requested Council variance will allow food and beverage retail within the existing building. A Council variance is required because retail uses are not allowed in the R-4 district. The site is not located within the boundaries of any Council adopted land use plan, but is located within the Short North Special Parking District. Staff is supportive of the requested retail use which will utilize an existing commercial building at this location, and will not introduce an incompatible use to the area. Any exterior modifications to the existing building are subject to a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Italian Village Commission.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Section 3332.039, R-4 residential district, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 1041 SUMMIT ST. (43201), to allow food and beverage retail in the R-4, Residential District (Council Variance #CV24-087).
WHEREAS, by application #CV24-087, the owner of the property at 1041 SUMMIT ST. (43201), is requesting a Variance to allow food and beverage retail in the R-4, Residential District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3332.039, R-4 residential district, does not allow commercial uses, while the applicant proposes a food and beverage retail establishment within the existing commercial building; and
WHEREAS, the Italian Village Commission recommends approval; and
WHEREAS, City Departments recommend approval of the requested Council variance because the proposal will utilize the existing commercial building at this location and will not introduce and incompatible use to the a...
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