1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a planned modification (Mod #4) of an existing professional engineering agreement with URS Corporation Ohio, (a wholly owned subsidiary of AECOM), for the Big Walnut Augmentation / Rickenbacker Interceptor-Lockbourne Subtrunk (BWARI -Lockbourne Subtrunk), CIP 650491-100002. It should be noted that items A through D listed below are additional tasks that were added to the planned modification for engineering services during construction. It was requested that these items be added as a potential construction cost savings measure. The work will be for engineering services during construction as detailed in the Scope of Services document.
This contract modification authorizes the following:
a. Conduct a Value Engineering (VE) study of the project.
b. Make any plan, specification or Geologic Baseline Report (GBR) changes required/recommended from the VE process.
c. Completion of an independent construction cost estimate.
d. Evaluate gravity connection options for Rickenbacker lift station 904 to the future Lockbourne Intermodal Sewer (LIS) subtrunk.
e. Complete the required Permits to Install (PTI) permits.
f. Conduct the first 12 months of engineering services during construction as detailed in the attached scope document.
2. PROJECT MODIFICATION: Amount of additional funds to be expended: $1,437,337.22
2.1 Original Engineering Costs: $3,865,122.72
Engineering Design Services Mod #1: $1,326,630.00
Engineering Design Services Mod #2: $ 623,354.44
Engineering Construction Services Mod #3: $1,104,972.92
Engineering Construction Services Mod #4 (current): $1,437,337.22
TOTAL $8,357,417.30
2.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This was a planned and anticipated modification.
2.3 Reason other procurement processes are not used:
Re-bid of the project under the new requirements may result in higher project costs ...
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