BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract on behalf of the Facilities Management Division with Winn-scapes, Inc. for mowing and landscape maintenance services.
Formal bids were solicited and the city received three (3) bids on April 16, 2024 (0 FBE, 0 MBE):
Elite Facilities Management LLC $395,000.00
Winn-scapes, Inc. $403,305.64
Hickman Lawn Care Inc $414,150.00
Elite Facilities Management LLC submitted an incomplete bid and was deemed non-responsive. The Facilities Management Division recommends the bid be awarded to the lowest, most responsive and responsible bidder,Winn-scapes, Inc This contract was competitively bid and provides for an initial term with four (4) annual renewal options. The initial term for this contract will be for the period May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025. A listing of specific locations can be viewed in the attachment to this ordinance.
Emergency action is requested so that lawn maintenance can commence without interruption.
Winn-scapes, Inc. Contract Compliance No. 31-1313521, expiration date October 10, 2025.
Fiscal Impact: This ordinance authorizes an expenditure of $403,305.64 from the General Fund to enter into a contract with Winn-scapes, Inc. for mowing and landscape maintenance services. The Facilities Management Division expended $371,759.99 in 2023 for these services.
To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract with Winn-scapes, Inc., on behalf of the Facilities Management Division, for mowing and landscape maintenance services; to authorize the expenditure of $403,305.64 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($403,305.64)
WHEREAS, the Facilities Management Division solicited formal bids for mowing and landscape maintenance services; and
WHEREAS, the city received three bids; and...
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