It is necessary to appropriate $22,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Citywide Training Entrepreneurial Fund, to allow the Department of Human Resources to enhance the training supplies, equipment and course offerings at the Citywide Training and Development Center.
Fiscal Impact: Funds in the amount of $22,000.00 are currently available and in the Citywide Training Entrepreneurial Fund and specifically budgeted for this purpose. This ordinance appropriates the funds and allow for needed purchases to be made.
Emergency action is respectfully requested to allow financial transactions to be posted in the City’s accounting system as soon as possible. Up to date financial posting promotes accurate accounting and financial management.
To authorize an appropriation of $22,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Citywide Training Entrepreneurial Fund so as to allow the Department of Human Resources to enhance the training supplies, equipment and course offerings at the Citywide Training and Development Center; and to declare an emergency. ($22,000.00)
WHEREAS, an appropriation is needed to cover costs associated with Citywide Training Entrepreneurial Fund; and
WHEREAS, funds for this appropriation are currently available in the Citywide Training Entrepreneurial Fund 2298, and
WHEREAS, this ordinance is submitted as an emergency to allow the financial transaction to be posted in the city's accounting system as soon as possible in order to promote accurate accounting and financial management; and
WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the usual daily operations of the Department of Human Resources, Citywide Training and Development Center of Excellence, in that it is immediately necessary to appropriate the funds, thereby preserving the public peace, health, safety and welfare; now, therefore,
SECTION 1: That from the unappropriated monies in the Citywide Training ...
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