BACKGROUND: This legislation appropriates funding for the joint Ohio State University ("OSU") - Columbus Division of Police ("CPD") Crime Interdiction Security Initiative. A long-standing, mutual-aid collaboration has been in place between both agencies with established guidelines for mutual assistance and use of resources to address criminal activity and emergencies that occur across jurisdictional lines. One of the provisions of the 2018-2019 MOU is that OSU will reimburse the City of Columbus Division of Police for all overtime and benefit costs for sworn CPD officers who work overtime for initiative activities. The maximum amount of OSU reimbursement to the City for these costs is $150,000.00 per academic year.
The initiative activities and timing are determined via collaborative planning by OSU and CPD personnel. Examples of law enforcement activity would include student move-in/out times, the start of academic classes, and high-profile campus events. The 2018-2019 OSU academic year and the initiative are concurrently scheduled and will begin August, 2018.
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency legislation is necessary to expedite the appropriation of the funding for the OSU Crime Interdiction Security Initiative in time for the start of project activities to begin in August, 2018.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes the appropriation of $150,000.00 for CPD sworn overtime expenditures and benefits for the OSU Crime Interdiction Security Initiative. All funds appropriated are reimbursable from OSU through an OSU-CPD MOU. The 2015-16 academic year grant-reimbursable expenditures were $137,303.54, the 2016-2017 academic year grant-reimbursable expenditures were $130,837.86 and the 2017-2018 academic year grant reimbursable expenditures were $125,670.41.
To authorize an appropriation of $150,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the General Government Grant Fund to the Division of Police; to authorize the Mayor of the ...
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