Background: The Department of Finance and Management Fleet Division has a need for services to aide in the repair and upkeep of City-owned vehicles. The Department of Finance and Management has established a Universal Term Contracts (UTC) with Heritage Fire (PA006291 - Exp. 1/31/2025) for Sutphen parts & services, Dick Masheter (PA005290 - Exp. 6/30/2024) for automotive body repair, Keens Body Shop Inc(PA005292 - Exp. 6/30/2024) for automotive body repair, WW Williams Company, Inc(PA006585 - Exp. 5/31/2025) for Detroit Diesel OEM Parts, Rush Truck Centers of Ohio (PA006827- Exp. 10/31/2025, PA006787 Exp. 9/30/2025, PA005520, Exp. 10/31/2024, PA006093, Exp. 9/30/2024) for Atermarket Truck Parts, HD Specialty Services, Internationa Navistar & OEM Truck Parts, Atlantic Emergency Solutions Inc. (PA005703 Exp. -9/30/2024,PA005497 Exp. 10/31/2024, PA007286 Exp. 5/31/2027) for Fire Boots, Pierce (SS) & Self Contained Breathing App. The Department of Finance and Management Fleet Division has been steadily dealing with an increased number of city vehicles to service as well as the rising cost of services and materials. With this increased load, Fleet Management has already incurred near the single-year expenditures limit of $100,000 from purchase orders established in accordance with the UTCs with each vendor.
This ordinance authorizes the purchase of more than $100,000 from each of these individual UTCs by a single agency and authorizes the Finance and Management Director to more of the allotted yearly funds on these UTC purchase agreements. For each of the following vendors - Dicks Masheter, Heritage Fire, Keens Body Shop Inc., Rush Truck Centers of Ohio, WW Williams Company Inc. and Atlantic Emergency Solutions Inc, the allotted max expenditure will be $250,000 for the division of Fleet Management.
Principal Parties:
Dick Masheter Ford Inc - Vendor# 004265, EBO Certification#CC-004265, Exp. 09/15/2024
Keens Body Shop Inc. - Vendor# 004390, EBO Cer...
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