Council Variance Application: CV24-045
APPLICANT: Barbara Burden; 1137 Linwood Avenue; Columbus, OH 43206.
PROPOSED USE: Type A family child care home.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The site consists of one parcel developed with a single-unit dwelling in the R-4, Residential District. A Council variance is required because the R-4 district does not allow a Type A family child care home, while the applicant proposes such a use. A variance to reduce the required parking is included in this request. The site is located within the planning boundaries of the Near Southside Plan (2011), which recommends “Medium Density Mixed Residential” land uses at this location. Since the primary use of the property will still be a single-unit dwelling, Staff has no objection to the requested Type A family child-care home, which must comply with Ohio Revised Code requirements and be inspected by the State of Ohio.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3332.039, R-4, residential district; and 3312.49, Required parking, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 1137 LINWOOD AVE. (43206), to allow a Type A family child care home with reduced parking in the R-4, Residential District (Council Variance #CV24-045).
WHEREAS, by application #CV24-045, the owner of property at 1137 LINWOOD AVE. (43206), is requesting a Council variance to allow a Type A family child care home with reduced parking in the R-4, Residential District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3332.039, R-4 residential district, allows only Type B family child care homes, or child day care centers as accessory uses to a religious facility or school, while the applicant proposes to operate a Type A family child care home for a maximum of 12 children within a single-unit dwelling; and
WHEREAS, Section 3312.49, Required parking, requires two parking spaces for the single-unit dwelling use and ...
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