Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to modify the contract with Gutknecht Construction Co. for the Westgate Recreation Center Renovations. This modification is needed due to issues that were discovered with the HVAC design not aligning with existing building conditions once construction began. There were also additional items that were changed due to requests by the city's Building Inspector. The costs for this modification will be $120,000.00.
Principal Parties:
Gutknecht Construction Company
2280 Citygate Drive, Columbus, OH 43219
Mike Poyer 614-532-5410
CC#: 310935568
Exp. Date: 6/18/17
Columbus Employees: 25+
Emergency Justification: An emergency exists in the usual daily operations of the Recreation and Parks Department in that it is immediately necessary to modify the said contract so that work may continue as quickly as possible.
Fiscal Impact: The expenditure of $5,500,000.00 was legislated for the Westgate Recreation Center Renovations Project by Ordinance 1487-2013. This new ordinance will provide funding that will modify the previously authorized amount by $120,000.00. $120,000.00 is budgeted and available in the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund 702 to meet the financial obligations of this contract modification. The aggregate total contract amount, including this modification, is $5,620,000.00.
To authorize and direct the Director of Recreation and Parks to modify the existing contract with Gutknecht Construction Company for the Westgate Recreation Center Renovations Project; to authorize the expenditure of $120,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer $120,000.00 within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; to amend the 2015 Capital Improvement Budget; and to declare an emergency. ($120,000.00).
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Director of Recreation and Parks to modify the existing contract wit...
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