This ordinance is to authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to accept and enter into a grant agreement with the Ohio Public Works Commission and to appropriate the grant and matching funds for the 2018 Clean Ohio Conservation Fund Round 12 project, East Linden Natural Area Protection. The project funding will authorize the City Attorney to spend the funds to acquire in good faith certain fee simple title and lesser real estate located at 2890 Bridgewalk Street, 0000 Wedge Street, and 000 Clubhouse Drive, Columbus, Ohio.
Background: The City’s Recreation and Parks Department (CRPD) is engaged in purchasing real estate located at 2890 Bridgewalk Street, Columbus, Ohio 43224 {Franklin county parcel number 010-005506}, 0000 Wedge Street, Columbus, Ohio 43211{Franklin county parcel numbers 010-073672, 190-001338, 010-073678, 010-073674, 010-073673}, and 000 Clubhouse Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43211. This is a platted subdivision that includes parcels 010-171957 to 010-171976, 010-171984 to 010-171200 and 010-184061. Exhibit A is attached for reference. The City must acquire in good faith and accept certain fee simple title and lesser real estate located at 2890 Bridgewalk Street, Columbus, Ohio 43224, 0000 Wedge Street, Columbus, Ohio 43211, and 000 Clubhouse Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43211. (collectively, “Real Estate”) in order for CRPD to complete the acquisition. Accordingly, CRPD requested the City Attorney to acquire the Real Estate in good faith and contract for associated professional services (e.g. surveys, title work, appraisals, etc.) in order for CRPD to timely complete the acquisition of the property.
The East Linden neighborhood is one of the city’s most underserved areas for parks, open spaces, and natural areas. The purpose of the project is to acquire two separate sites fronting two ravine/tributary areas of Alum Creek near Agler Road. The Clean Ohio funding will be used to acquire 33.5 acres of wooded ravines and tributary corrid...
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