The Department of Public service is currently engaged in the North Market Streetscape - Utility Relocation Design project. The project will relocate existing utilities underground within the North Market parking lot area and Wall Street and will be relocated within the Right-of-Way.
A portion of real property owned by the City of Columbus known as the North Market parking lot, Franklin County Parcel Number 010-307276, adjacent to and east of 59 West Spruce Street Franklin County Parcel Number 010-054645, on North Wall Street between Spruce Street and Vine Street, will need to be dedicated as right-of-way for roadway purposes to accommodate the improvements by this project. Current plans indicate 0.115 acre will need to be dedicated for this purpose, to dedicate the property as road right-of-way and name the road right-of-way as Wall Street.
The following ordinance authorizes the City Attorney's Office, to accept a QUIT CLAIM DEED recorded in the Franklin County, Ohio, Recorder’s Office on November 4, 2022 as Instrument Number 202211040153022. ANTHONY M. ROSEBORO, Trustee, deeded property to the City of Columbus, to be used as road right-of-way, and name the parcel as public road right-of-way.
Ohio Revised Code Chapter 723.03 requires that property proposed for use as a public street or alley must be accepted and dedicated as public right-of-way by an ordinance specifically passed for such purpose. This Ordinance provides for the City to accept a deed, to dedicate the parcel as road right-of-way, and to name the parcel as public roadways to comply with Ohio Revised Code Chapter 723.03. Passage of this Ordinance also exempts the property deeded to the City from property taxes.
There is no expenditure associated with this Ordinance.
Emergency action is requested to complete the process by the end of the year so as not to delay construction and stay on schedule.
To accept variou...
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