1. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify and increase the professional engineering services agreement with Osborn Engineering for the Division of Water (DOW) Safety Improvements Project, Capital Improvements Project No. 690578-100000, Division of Water Contract No. 2206.
Work performed to date was for preliminary design services assessing the Division of Water’s safety needs, evaluating adequate safety solutions, and prioritization for implementation.
Modification No. 1 (current) will design safety improvements using applicable guidelines and practices at various DOW facilities to prepare a set of bid documents for subsequent installation. Safety improvements may include but are not limited to modification / installation of guardrails, ladders, fall protection systems, signage, and machine guarding.
The Community Planning Area for this project is “99 - Citywide” since work will be performed throughout multiple community planning areas.
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $400,025.00
Original Agreement Amount: $219,300.00 (PO261485)
Modification No. 1 (current): $400,205.00
Total (Orig. + Mod 1): $619,325.00
1.2. Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
Ordinance No. 2835-2020 indicated two (2) modifications to the agreement would be needed for detailed design & bidding services and Engineering Services During Construction.
1.3. Reason other procurement processes are not used:
This contract was anticipated to be funded in phases as indicated in the original request for proposals and legislation under Ordinance No. 2835-2020. Osborn Engineering is familiar with the details of the project and has compiled a Basis of Design Report detailing their findings and recommendations. The process of selecting and contracting with a new consultant team to review documents prepared by Osborn Engineering would delay the project and increase engineering and construction costs.
1.4. ...
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