This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Service to enter into a contract with Cargill, Inc. for the purchase of one AccuBrine NXT-Gen brine maker for the Department of Public Service, Division of Infrastructure Management. The Division of Infrastructure Management will use it to make brine to improve various roadways in Columbus during the winter seasons.
The Department of Public Service started utilizing AccuBrine automated equipment at our newly constructed sites. This equipment was selected for a number of reasons, and contains proprietary and protected processes not available on other brine making equipment. As existing equipment at other sites reaches end of life, it is in the department’s best interest to replace it with the same equipment being installed at the new sites. This is important for a number of reasons. The first being availability of parts. It is not economical to stock parts for multiple manufacturers, and the majority of the parts are not interchangeable. Having parts on hand for rapid repair of equipment during snow events is a necessity. The ability to manage software and service through one service contract as opposed to multiple streamlines our operations as well. Driver and operator training is also a reason for maintaining one type of equipment. Drivers may be using equipment at several different sites during snow events. The equipment needs to have uniform function and programming to avoid confusion and misuse of equipment.
The Department of Public Service, Division of Infrastructure is requesting to waive bidding provisions of City Code Chapter 329, enter directly into contract with Cargill, Inc., and to establish a purchase order with Cargill, Inc. to purchase the AccuBrine NXT-Gen brine maker.
Searches in the System for Award Management (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against Cargill, Inc.
The contract compliance number ...
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