BACKGROUND: The Division of Police Digital Forensic Unit (DFU) was awarded a grant to obtain a mobile response vehicle to collect evidence on location. The Division now needs to enter into contract with GrayShift LLC to purchase GrayKey Premier Mobile License and a GrayKey Forensic Unit which will be used in the mobile response vehicle. The unit and license and the vehicle will provide a portable platform on scenes to gather information for field investigations or situations more rapidly and increase digital extraction efficiently. With this hardware and software the DFU detectives gain an evidentiary advantage by having the ability to unlock and decrypt more electronic devices and extract more evidence to solve crimes.
The Division of Police needs to transfer appropriated money within the General Government Grant Fund. The funds will be transferred from 06 Equipment to 03 Services in the amount of $83,670.00.
BID INFORMATION: The Division of Police requests to waive the competitive bid provisions of the Chapter 329 of the Columbus City Codes to expeditiously purchase this software and hardware due to its compatibility with other GrayKey software and hardware currently owned and used by the DFU and Division of Police.
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency legislation is requested so the Division of Police may procure and pay for the items prior to the grant expiration period.
CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: CC-025779 Expires 6/20/2025
FISCAL IMPACT: The funding for the license and unit has already been appropriated and authorized by Ordinance 2379-2022 passed on September 21, 2022. This expenditure is funded by General Government Grant Fund 2220. This ordinance authorizes a transfer of $83,670.00 within fund 2220 from 06 (Equipment) to 03 (Services).
To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Safety to enter into a contract with GrayShift LLC., to purchase a digital license and a forensic unit to extract digital evidence from ele...
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