Background: This ordinance authorizes a purchase order in the total amount of $772,869.44 for two (2) Farber Specialty Vehicles mobile health clinic vehicles from an existing State Term Schedule for the Division of Fire. The COVID-19 Pandemic has exposed the social inequalities and healthcare disparities that exist in our minority and vulnerable communities. Significant inequities regarding access to a regular source of healthcare, gaps in preventative services, and lack of health insurance coverage have resulted in higher rates of disease spread, related morbidity, hospitalization, and mortality of COVID-19 among low-income and minority populations. The poor health outcomes are the symptoms of a much greater cause that is being influenced by the social determinates of health which has placed a greater demand on EMS services provided by the Columbus Division of Fire. Additionally, the disruption of health care services and decreased availability of in-person health assessments has resulted in EMS encountering patients who are presenting with more severe symptoms and advanced stages of disease.
Public Safety & the Division of Fire will increase access to COVID-19 testing, prevention and linkage to treatment resources through targeted patient-centered outreach and The HOME (Health One Mobile Equality) mobile health clinics which will enhance and improve EMS response to the pandemic. Using a centralized multi-disciplinary approach to address healthcare disparities and social inequities, associated with the impact of COVID-19. Utilizing and capitalizing upon real-time EMS data and COVID-19 data provided by public health epidemiologists, HOME will create a centralized system of access for COVID testing, disease prevention, healthcare management, resource navigation, and social services coordination to the most vulnerable residents and geographical areas in Columbus. The HOME mobile clinics will provide a new and innovative EMS response incorporating th...
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