The Division of Planning and Operations is responsible for traffic signals throughout the City. A new signal is required for the intersection of Olde Worthington Road and Polaris Parkway. The Purchasing Office has solicited formal competitive bids for the purchase of traffic signals and equipment required for the operation of signals through universal term contracts (UTCs). Because of the location of this intersection, a special bracket arm is necessary which will be a separate bid. This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of monies for traffic signal equipment for the new signal located at Olde Worthington Road and Polaris Parkway
The total cost of the commodities needed is $30,000.00
This ordinance authorizes purchases of equipment per terms and conditions of these existing UTC contracts with:
General Supply & Services
FL005381 (SA004589) Traffic Signal Strain Poles
General Traffic Equipment Corp.
FL005335 (SA004507) Pedestrian Signals
Path Master, Inc.,
FL005334 (SA004507) Pedestrian Signals
FL005382 (SA004589) Traffic Signal Strain Poles
FL005536 (SA004798) Traffic Vehicular Signal Heads
One informal bid will be necessary for the bracket arm required for this intersection.
These purchases will provide for equipment necessary for the signal installation at the new location. Total cost is estimated at $30,000.00.
General Supply & Services’ contract compliance #205021902 and expires 5/16/2015
General Traffic Equipment Corp's contract compliance #133095949 and expires: 07/20/2014
Path Master, Inc's contract compliance #341233777 and expires: 06/11/2014
Funding for these commodities is available within the Streets and Highways Bond Fund, No. 704.
To authorize the City Auditor to transfer appropriation and monies within the Street and Highway Bond Fund; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to establish purchase orders with various vendors for the purchase of...
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