1. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify and increase the professional engineering services agreement with E.P. Ferris & Associates, Inc. for the Dana G. ‘Buck’ Rinehart Public Utilities Complex Exterior Site Improvements Project, Capital Improvements Project No. 690026-100010, Division of Water Contract No. 2083.
The purpose of this project is to implement the first phase of improvements to the Public Utilities Complex according to a master site plan. The original contract included the design of the master plan for the project. Modification No. l included a Space Needs Assessment, the design of the master stormwater plan, fuel station upgrades, a material storage facility to replace the salt barn, and a wash out station that were recommended in the Master Plan.
Contract Modification No. 2 (current) is a result of changes to the site master plan necessary to comply with the city’s stormwater design standards. The site master plan called for an open-air soil spoils stockpile area with hose for washing soil out of dump truck beds, but it was later determined that this area must be covered and drain to a sanitary sewer. The implementation of this design change requires the installation of a sanitary sewer lift station and retaining wall.
This contract modification also includes technical representation services during construction will be necessary to approve contractor submittals and respond to contractor requests for information. These services were not included previously with the contract.
This project is located in the 38 - Olentangy West Community Planning Area.
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $232,284.34
Original Agreement Amount: $ 299,029.61 (EL016759)
Modification No. 1: $ 806,338.79 (PO067574)
Modification No. 2 (current): $ 232,284.34
Total (Orig. + Mods 1-2) $1,337,652.74
1.2. Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
Modification No. 2 (current)...
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