BACKGROUND: The Division of Police needs to procure uniforms, footwear, leather goods, uniform accessories, and body armor for police officers and some civilian employees. This ordinance will enable the Division to purchase these uniforms from Galls RT II, LLC, in accordance with the Universal Term Contracts established for this purpose by the Purchasing Office.
Additional Needs: Expenses associated with recruit classes are budgeted in the transfer category until needed. Therefore, funds need to be transferred within the General Fund budget of the Division of Police from Object Class 10 to Object Class 02 in order to purchase uniforms for two recruit classes as well as recruit pistols.
Bid Information: The Purchasing Office has set up purchase agreements for the purchase of uniforms, footwear, body armor, and leather goods with Galls RT II, LLC.
This company is not debarred according to the Federal excluded parties listing or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State unresolved findings for recovery certified search.
Contract Compliance No.: CC39988-115226- Galls RT II, LLC, expires September 21, 2019.
Emergency Designation: Emergency legislation is requested because the Division needs to place orders during the current uniform inspections process and to complete any emergency requests.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes an expenditure of $498,831.00 from the Division of Police’s General Fund Budget for the purchase of uniforms. Some of the funds for this expenditure are needed from the Division’s General Fund Transfer Line.
To authorize a transfer of funds within the Division of Police's General Fund budget; to authorize the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations within this ordinance to Galls RT II, LLC for the purchase of uniforms and accessories for the Division of Police from existing Universal Term Contracts; to authorize the expenditure of $4...
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