BACKGROUND: Columbus Public Health and CelebrateOne received funding from The Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services to develop a culturally informed digital media campaign that promotes safe sleep practices. To complete the deliverables of the grant, Columbus Public Health will contract with Beyond Spots and Dots from June 25, 2018 through September 30, 2018 for a total contract amount of $157,847. These services were advertised through vendor services (RFQ008828) according to bidding requirements of the City Code. The contract compliance number for Beyond Spots and Dots is 87-0790007 and expires on 03/01/2019.
On average, one baby dies every other week in Franklin County due to unsafe sleep practices. Many of these deaths could be prevented by following the ABCs of infant safe sleep - that babies should sleep Alone, on their Backs, and in an empty Crib, every night, every nap, every time. The allocated funding will help in the efforts to reduce sleep related deaths in Franklin County by utilizing media serivces to provide a culturally informed digital media campaign.
This ordinance is submitted as an emergency to ensure the grant deliverables are met within the required timeline.
FISCAL IMPACT: This contract is entirely funded by the grant award from The Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services.
To authorize the Board of Health to enter into contract with Beyond Spots and Dots to implement a culturally informed digital media campaign that promotes safe sleep practices in the amount of $157,847.00; to authorize the expenditure of $157,847.00 from the Health Department Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($157,847.00)
WHEREAS, Columbus Public Health has received funding from The Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services to implement a culturally informed digital media campaign; and
WHEREAS, Beyond Spots and Dots has been awarded the contract through the RFP process...
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