The legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Neighborhoods to enter into a grant agreement with St. Stephen’s Community Services, Inc. dba St. Stephen’s Community House (SSCH) in support of the Food and Nutrition Center (FNC) Delivery Program.
St Stephen’s Community House - Food and Nutrition Center (FNC) Delivery Program addresses food insecurity issues in the Linden community. The FNC Delivery Program provides the distribution of food boxes (35-40 pounds per household) to those vulnerable residents who are unable to utilize services at a traditional food pantry due to a variety of reasons - lack of transportation, physically disabled, lack of resources, homebound, etc. The program runs five days a week, delivering food boxes to over 250 households per week.
In April 2021, the FNC Delivery Program continued the services previously provided by the EasyMiles Automated Shuttles; which were delivering St. Stephen’s Community House FNC food boxes to Rosewind Community Center and surrounding area. The program currently uses SSCH vehicles to deliver the food boxes; employ staff to operate the program; and input all data into PantryTrak. This funding will be used to continue payroll and administrative costs for pantry assistants and delivery drivers.
The City of Columbus Department of Neighborhoods has been a supporter of the FNC since 2022. Funding from the City of Columbus Department of Neighborhoods will be used to support the One Linden Community Plan Big Idea to “Support Resident Health - Consider alternative ways to get fresh/healthy foods to households”. The funding for this program supports households within the One Linden area.
Community Planning Area is Linden - 45
Contract Compliance: St. Stephen’s Community Services, Inc. - CC-006082 - Expired, getting updated
Fiscal Impact: Funding in an amount up to $35,000.00 is available in the General Fund
Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested to allow for immed...
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