1.0 BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with Kokosing Industrial, Inc. for the Hap Cremean Water Plant (HCWP) UV Disinfection Facility Project, Capital Improvements Project No. 690536-100000.
This project will install a new UV disinfection system at the HCWP to provide a multi-barrier disinfection process (provide both chemical and physical disinfection). Work will include: modifications to filter face piping; installation of UV reactors on effluent piping of 24 filters; installation of UV power supply and control cabinets; electrical power distribution improvements, and other work as may be necessary to complete the contract, in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth in the Invitation For Bid.
Planning Area: “N/A” since the HCWP serves several communities.
2.0 ECONOMIC IMPACT/ADVANTAGES; COMMUNITY OUTREACH; PROJECT DEVELOPMENT; ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS/ADVANTAGES OF PROJECT: The addition of UV disinfection provides a multi-barrier treatment operation that improves public health protection by inactivating chlorine resistant microorganisms and other harmful pathogens. Water quality provided by the City is essential to human health and economic growth and development. There were no public meetings held regarding this work. HCWP is a secure facility and is not publically accessible.
3.0 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD: The Director of Public Utilities publicly opened three (3) bids on May 2, 2018 from:
1. Kokosing Industrial, Inc. $14,539,450.00
2. Shook Construction Co. $16,623,825.00
3. Ulliman Schutte Construction $17,046,450.00
Kokosing Industrial, Inc.’s bid was deemed the lowest, best, most responsive and responsible bid in the amount of $14,539,450.00. Their Contract Compliance Number is 47-2946608 (expires 3/10/2019, Majori...
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