BACKGROUND: In 2002, the Division of Police purchased and implemented a computerized Ohio Based Reporting System/National Incident Based Reporting System (OIBRS/NIBRS), per Ordinance 2253-01 passed 12/17/01, for offense and complaint/incident reports. As part of the original contract, the Division was provided the option to renew for five (5) additional, one-year annual software support and maintenance terms. In 2008, a new contract with the existing vendor was entered into (EL008219) and made effective March 1, 2008 under the authority of Ordinance (0538-2008). The terms of contract EL008219 allow for the option to renew four (4) additional one (1) year terms. Therefore, the Division of Police seeks to renew the existing contract for a third year of software support and maintenance services.
Bid Information: Ordinance 0538-2008 was authorized in accordance with Section 329.07 (e) (Sole Source) of the Columbus City Codes, due to the proprietary nature of the software currently in use by the Columbus Division of Police. The cost associated with these services was negotiated with the supplier to ensure the best pricing for the City of Columbus and the Division of Police.
This company is not debarred according to the Federal excluded parties listing or prohibited from being awarded a contract according to the Auditor of State unresolved finding for recovery certified search.
Contract Compliance No.: 36-1115800, Expires 04/08/2012
Emergency Designation: Emergency legislation is requested for this ordinance so as to allow for renewal for the third year of services with the current vendor and avoid any interruption in services.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes an expenditure of $249,498.00 from the General Fund, for a one year software support and service maintenance agreement for the OIBRS/NIBRS system with Motorola for the Division of Police. The cost of this contract that was encumbered or spent was $204,843.00 in 2...
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