1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with Burgess & Niple, Inc., for the Hoover Reservoir Erosion Study, in an amount up to $467,000.00, for Division of Water Contract No. 2090.
The last erosion study for Hoover Reservoir was completed in 1968 and is now 51 years old. This study established an estimated 50-year erosion line around the reservoir that the City has used to help manage erosion control, land acquisition, and erosion easement acquisition needs. Since that time, reservoir operating conditions and adjacent land use has changed, which impacts erosion activity and erosion related management needs.
A new study is needed to update the 50-year erosion boundary and provide guidance for future erosion management activities. The consultant will conduct the study, which will take into account current reservoir operating conditions and current land use, map and characterize the current state of erosion around the reservoir and compare it to the previous 50-year erosion line, develop an updated 50-year erosion line, and identify and prioritize future erosion control projects and potential erosion easement / land acquisition needs so that these activities can be factored into the City’s capital improvement plans.
This Study phase is the only phase of work anticipated on this project.
Community Planning Area: "99-N/A" since the reservoir serves several Columbus communities.
This project will help identify potential areas of erosion at Hoover Reservoir. Determining these potential areas of erosion before they occur will provide the city an opportunity to negotiate erosion easements, install erosion protection measures, or address erosion in some other form prior to it becoming a larger / more costly problem. There is no...
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