BACKGROUND: This project consists of lining approximately 544 sanitary service laterals via cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) technology, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, in accordance with the drawings, technical specifications, special provisions, and City of Columbus Construction and Material specifications set forth in this Invitation For Bid (IFB).
Planning Area - 40 - Linden
PROJECT TIMELINE: All work shall be substantially complete within 450 calendar days of the Notice to Proceed, with final completion to occur within 540 calendar days. The City anticipates issuing a Notice to proceed on or about December 12th, 2022.
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION: The Division advertised for competitive bids submission for the subject services on the City's Vendor Services website and in the City Bulletin in accordance with the overall provisions of Chapter 329 of the Columbus City Code. The Division of Sewerage and Drainage received one (1) bid on August 31, 2022 from the following:
NAME TAX ID DAX # City/State Status Expiration
BLD Services, Llc. 72-1512625 019505 Kenner, LA MAJ 11/10/2023
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION is not requested at this time.
ECONOMIC / ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: This project involves lining sanitary laterals to prevent excess stormwater from entering the City's sanitary sewer system. The Blueprint alternative projects are listed in Section 6 of the Integrated plan and 2015 WWMP Report.
FISCAL IMPACT: This Ordinance authorizes the City Auditor to appropriate and transfer funds from the Sanitary Sewer Reserve Fund 6102 to the Ohio Water Development (OWDA) Loan Fund 6111 in order to fund this expenditure. This transaction is a temporary measure that is required until such time as the division is able to execute a loan with the OWDA Loan Fund and reimburse the Sanitary Sewer Reserve Fund. The loan is expected to be approved in December, 2022. Additionally $2,000.00 is necessary for Prevailing Wage Services f...
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