1.0 BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned modification to the 2020 - 2022 Construction Administration/Construction Inspection (CA/CI) Services agreement with DLZ Ohio, Inc.
Funding for this modification will be for the following Division of Power project:
Street Lighting Improvements for Smoky Row Road, CIP No. 670863-100000, Planning Area 31 (Far Northwest), $136,005.59
1.1. Amount of additional funds to be expended: $136,005.59
Original Agreement Amount: $1,227,027.50 PO218447, PO218448/ PO235997, PO218450, PO218451, PO218452
Modification 1 $ 54,610.00 PO228293
Modification 2 $ 668,555.17 PO238163
Modification 3 $ 66,002.17 PO253702
Modification 4 $1,335,502.54 PO266814
Modification 5 $ 328,804.02 PO272171, PO272160, PO272174, PO272176, PO272177
Modification 6 $ 697,932.58 PO277886, PO277880, PO277882
Modification 7 $ 997,459.48 PO315698
Modification 8 $1,323,438.57 PO329845, PO329851, PO329855
Modification 9 $247,109.24 PO337776
Modification 10 $373,575.87 PO355138
Modification 11 $907,699.53 (TBD - ORD 3193-2022)
Modification 12 (current) $136,005.59
Total (Orig. + Mods) $8,363,722.26
1.2. Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This is a three-year agreement for fiscal years 2020 - 2022 and modifications were anticipated and explained in the original le...
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