Background: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to issue purchase orders, on behalf of the Fleet Management Division, with Motorola Solutions, Inc., Buckeye Mountain Inc., Upstate Wholesale Supply, Spacebound, Inc., Parr Public Safety, and Funtrails Vans, for the up-fitting of Division of Police vehicles. These up-fitting parts and services are needed so that the vehicles can be placed into service.
The Department of Finance and Management, Fleet Management Division seeks authority to issue purchase orders with Motorola Solutions Inc. for the acquisition of sixty-five (65) in car video systems for the Division of Police. These video systems will be purchases through a State of Ohio cooperative contract. Ordinance #582-87 authorizes City agencies to participate in Ohio Department of Administrative Services (DAS) cooperative contracts. The State of Ohio cooperative contract 573077 with Motorola Solutions, Inc. expires 6/30/2021. The cost of these video systems is $356,750.00.
This legislation also authorizes the Finance and Management Director to establish purchase orders for the purchase of computers and necessary hardware/accessories per the results of bid RFQ015693. This bid was processed in accordance with the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code. Three bids were received and opened for RFQ015693 on June 18, 2020.
The Finance and Management Department recommends awarding the bid as follows:
Lines 10, 20, 30, 80, 90 [which include the Fujitsu Lifebook 7939 computer and associated warranties and cables] awarded to Buckeye Mountain Inc.
Buckeye Mountain Inc., (CC#: 26-3246190, exp. 6/4/22, MAJ - vendor#: 032828) $127,568.00
Lines 40, 100, 110, 120, 130 [which include the Fujitsu Computer Mount, Keyboard Tray, and Sierra Wireless Airlink Router and accessories] awarded to Upstate Wholesale Supply
Upstate Wholesale Supply, (CC#: 16-1382350, exp. 11/2/20, MAJ - vendor#: 000826) $96,882...
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