Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to modify an existing contract with Advanced Engineering Consultants to provide additional design of the HVAC Upgrades 2020-2022 Project. The modification amount being authorized by this ordinance is $55,760.50.
The Columbus Recreation and Parks Department is responsible for the operation of 46 buildings which contain mechanical HVAC systems. These buildings include community centers, athletic complexes, golf course clubhouses, and cultural arts centers.
Many of these systems are failing and at the end of their useful life. This project will replace air handlers, boilers, condensers, furnace units, fans, ductwork, and associated systems that are identified as failure critical and in poor condition.
This modification of the design contract will add air conditioning services to Howard Community Center, as recommended by an HVAC feasibility report completed by Star Consultants, Inc. in June 2022. This report estimates design fees for this work as $92,127.27 should a new, independent contract be awarded. However, this additional project scope overlaps with work currently underway by Advanced Engineering Consultants, yielding significant efficiencies. This Center is undesirable with internal sustained temperatures exceeding 100 degrees during the warmest months of the year.
Principal Parties:
Advanced Engineering Consultants Ltd
1405 Dublin Road
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Sam Reed, (614) 486-4778
Contract Compliance Number, Tax ID: 005665, 31-1612308
Contract Compliance Expiration Date: April 8, 2024
Emergency Justification: Emergency action is requested so the detailed plans can be completed, allowing construction to be bid for adding air conditioning to Howard Community Center as soon as possible in order to provide an opportunity for residents to use this facility as a cooling center during the warm summer mont...
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