1. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew and increase the agreements for the 2017 - 2019 General Engineering Services - Water Distribution Group Project, with HDR Engineering, Inc. (Contract No. 2150) and ms consultants, inc. (Contract No. 2151), Capital Improvements Project Number 690528-100002.
HDR Engineering: Work performed under the original contract and Modification #1 included design services for replacement of the 24-inch water main along Olentangy Road from Lane Avenue to Old Ackerman Rd, leak detection studies, backflow prevention research, and the design for the Larger Diameter Valves Replacement Project, Part 2. Work items consisted of all field investigations, surveying, and all other professional design services as necessary for the completion of a design report, plans and specifications, and engineering services during construction as it relates to this project.
ms consultants, inc.: Work performed under the original contract and Modification #1 included metallurgical testing of a 20-inch water main, a 3D scan of the Joyce Tank and murals to support the 2018 tank painting project, a preliminary and detailed design for Morse West Booster Station improvements, and water main design services on S Ave and Town Street. Work items consisted of all field investigations, surveying, and all other professional design services as necessary for the completion of a design report, plans and specifications, and engineering services during construction as it relates to these projects.
The general purpose of this contract Renewal is to provide general engineering services to the Division of Water, Water Distribution Engineering, on an “as-needed” basis. Work items shall consist of field investigations, surveying, and other professional design services as necessary for the completion of a design report, plans and specifications, and engineering services during construction as it relates to variou...
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