1. Background: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify (Mod #4) the professional engineering services agreement with ARCADIS US, Inc. for the Overall Engineering Consultant (OEC) Services for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Upgrade - General Program, Project Number 650360-100001 and amend the language related to conflicts of interest for this contract. OEC services are necessary to provide technical and engineering assistance to the City and its design professionals in planning and coordination of the work. The OEC services are separated into the following tasks:
Task 1 - Planning Services
Task 2 - Design Services
Task 3 - Construction Related Services
Task 4 - Commissioning and Start-up Services
Task 5 - General and Additional Services
This contact was initiated in 2010 to provide services for a six (6) year period, and is being funded incrementally. The approximate annual funding by contract modification was planned and was explained in the original contract's legislation.
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $3,512,000.00
Original Contract $ 2,000,000.00
Modification No. 1 (2011 funding) $ 4,840,000.00
Modification No. 2 (2012 funding) $ 3,216,000.00
Modification No. 3 (2013 funding) $ 40,000.00 (Rate Study Analysis)
Modification No.4 (Current) $ 3,512,000.00 ($3,500,005.00 from DOSD; $11,995 from DOP)
CURRENT TOTAL TO-DATE $13,608,000.00
Proposed Modification No. 5 $ 3,000,000.00
1.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This Contract Modification No. 4 was planned and anticipated, and so stated in the original contract’s legislation. It is a planned continuation of the services originally included within the existing contract’s scope of service.
1.3 Reason other procurement processes are not used:
In so much as the majority of this work ...
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