1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to modify two (2) existing engineering agreements to align the scope of each project with the manhole inspection work required. Two projects are affected, CIP 611625-100001 Blueprint Storm Sewer Assessment, Fifth by Northwest and Hilltop 4 and CIP 611625-100003 Blueprint Stormwater Sewer Assessment - Clintonville West. The original engineering agreement for CIP 611625-100001 Blueprint Storm Sewer Assessment, Fifth by Northwest and Hilltop 4 included manhole inspections. At present, to maintain project timelines, the manhole inspection tasks should be moved to another similar project, CIP 611625-100003 Blueprint Stormwater Sewer System Assessment - Clintonville West. This change in scope requires no additional funding.
Modification Information:
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $0.00
1.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen.
This ordinance modifies the existing contract for CIP 611625-100001 Blueprint Storm Sewer Assessment, Fifth by NW and Hilltop 4 with Ribway Engineering Group, Inc.by removing manhole inspections from the scope of the project. Manhole inspection work will be added to an existing engineering agreement with MS Consultants for CIP 611625-100003 Blueprint Stormwater Sewer System Assessment - Clintonville West. These modifications in scope better align resources and work among the two projects.
1.3 Reason other procurement processes are not used:
It is not cost effective to advertise for these services as both projects are presently underway and there is sufficient funding available on CIP 611625-100003 for this work to proceed.
1.4 How cost of modification was determined:
There is no cost to modify the scope of these two projects. There are sufficient funds encumbered with MS Consultants, Inc. for the addition of the manhole inspection work.
Ribway Engineering Grou...
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