Council Variance Application: CV22-159
APPLICANT: Grant Avenue Partners Ltd.; c/o Donald T. Plank, Atty.; Plank Law Firm; 411 East Town Street, 2nd Floor; Columbus, OH 43215.
PROPOSED USE: Vehicle storage and wholesaling.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The applicant has received a recommendation of approval from Staff and the Development Commission for a concurrent rezoning (Ordinance #2049-2023; Z22-099) to the M, Manufacturing District to permit vehicle storage and wholesaling. Variances for driveway, landscaping and screening, and reduced building and parking setbacks are included in the request. Staff supports the requested variances as they will conform the existing conditions of the site, and do not represent any physical changes to the site.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3312.13(B), Driveway; 3312.21(A), Landscaping and screening; 3372.804(A)(B), Setback requirements; and 3372.807(A), Landscaping and screening, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 3440 W. BROAD ST. (43204), to permit reduced development standards for vehicle storage and wholesaling uses in the M, Manufacturing District (Council Variance #CV22-159).
WHEREAS, by application #CV22-159, the owner of property at 3440 W. BROAD ST. (43204), requests a Council variance to permit reduced development standards for vehicle storage and wholesaling uses in the M, Manufacturing District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3312.13(B), Driveway, requires the driveway have a minimum width of 20 feet and a maximum width of 35 feet measured at the street right-of-way line, while the applicant proposes to maintain the existing driveway that is 13 feet wide; and
WHEREAS, Section 3312.21(A), Landscaping and screening, requires the interior of any parking lot containing 10 or more parking spaces to provide one deciduous shade tree per 10 spaces within islands or peninsulas...
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